- Privacy Policy

In this Privacy Policy,personal information is about a person who use this site.
And it indicates name,address,phone number,mail address or other information that can be identified particular person.
Even if these information can not be identified,we can collate with other information easily.
Then it contains other information that can be identified particular person who use this site.
About aim of use
Our website clarifies an aim to collect personal information when we do.
And we collect when we respond to your inquiry or give service to our customers.
We will not use your personal information with your agreement in different purpose.
If it is necessary to use in a different purpose,we will announce you before we use.
Treatment of an access log
We use your access log to control and analyze our website.
We do not only collect personal information which is identified.
Disclaimer to disclose information
We do not disclose personal information except following cases.
- We disclose it under your agreement.
- If the court issue a warrant,decision or require disclosure by law.
- If the police,prosecutor or the competent authorities required to collate by law.
Changing privacy policy
Except cases under laws and regulations,we can change privacy policy at any time.